The Exploitation of Religious Narratives: The Study of “Jihad Nikah†Narratives in ISIS Al-Qur'an Perspective

Eksploitasi Narasi Keagamaan: Studi Tentang Narasi “Jihad Nikah†Pada ISIS Perspektif Al-Qur'an


  • Haris Fatwa Dinal Maula Universitas Gadjah Mada



ekstremisme, ISIS, jihad nikah, narasi agama, al-Qur'an, tafsir


ISIS uses the term “marriage jihad†narrative to attract new recruits, especially among women. Although ISIS was declared defeated in 2016, the seeds of the “jihadi brides†narrative can still be found in some acts of terrorism around the world even today. Hence, the study of “marriage jihad†is seen very relevant and urgent to be conducted. “Marriage jihad†narrative, according to them, emphasizes the importance of expecting mothers who will deliver warriors and soldiers who involved in their holy war. On the other hand, this narrative is also used to legitimize biological motives of ISIS combatants. Based on human rights perspective, this narrative is the kind of women slavery who are perceived as sexual objects. This is often wrapped in religious terminology, such “for the sake of Islamâ€. The “marriage jihadâ€phrase which has never been found in the history of Islamic discourse is analyzed through the perspectives of the Qur'an based on Ma'na Cum Maghza approach. According to the Qur'anic perspectives, both jihad and marriage have the same goal, that is to build a vision of peace and compassion. So the narrative of the “marriage jihad†initiated by ISIS is certainly at odd with the Islamic principles.

ISIS menggunakan narasi “jihad nikah†untuk menarik calon anggota baru, khususnya perempuan. Meskipun ISIS sudah dinyatakan kalah pada 2016, benih-benih narasi “jihadi brides†masih bisa ditemui dalam aksi-aksi terorisme di seluruh dunia bahkan hingga saat ini. Hal ini yang membuat kajian tentang narasai “jihad nikah†menjadi relevan dan urgen. Artikel ini membahas tentang eksploitasi terminologi agama dalam agenda propaganda ISIS yaitu “jihad nikahâ€. Narasi ini, menurut mereka, menekankan pentingnya perempuan untuk dihamili agar kelak anak-anak yang lahir menjadi pejuang dan prajurit yang memperjuangkan mereka. Di sisi lain, narasi ini juga digunakan sebagai legitimasi kebutuhan syahwat para kombatan ISIS yang sedang berada di medan perang. Frase jihad nikah tidak pernah ditemukan dalam sejarah diskursus Islam. Tulisan ini mengupas narasi jihad nikah dalam perspektif al-Qur'an dengan pendekatan Ma'na Cum Maghza. Menurut sudut pandang tafsir al-Qur'an, jihad dan nikah mempunyai tujuan yang serupa yaitu membangun visi perdamaian dalam kasih sayang. Maka narasi jihad nikah yang diprakarsai oleh ISIS tersebut tentu bertolak belakang dengan prinsip-prinsip Islam.


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How to Cite

The Exploitation of Religious Narratives: The Study of “Jihad Nikah” Narratives in ISIS Al-Qur’an Perspective: Eksploitasi Narasi Keagamaan: Studi Tentang Narasi “Jihad Nikah” Pada ISIS Perspektif Al-Qur’an. (2021). Dialog, 44(1), 12-24.